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When, declared the killing of grizzly bears a capital crime (except by his own guns or those of visiting dignitaries), the crunch,D. assistant professor at Loyola Universitys Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago who conducted a survey of distance runners last year and found that misconceptions about hydration were rampant even among endurance athletes "Thirst is an exquisitely finely tuned indicator of your bodys actual hydration status" Dr Winger says "Listen to it"Myth #7: Ice Baths Speed Recovery Not worth the chill Photo: Inga HendricksonMyth: Ice baths speed recoveryTruth: They're not worth the chillMany elite athletes from marathoners to gridiron stars to starting pitchers practically swear by icing up as a way to promote healing But this nearly universal post-race/game/workout ritual now looks like nothing more than proof that the placebo effect is alive and well In a 2007 study in the Journal of Sports Sciences men who completed a punishing 90-minute shuttle run and then eased themselves into a 50-degree bathtub for ten minutes told researchers afterward that they were sure they were less sore than they would have been without the bath Yet their levels of creatine kinase a hallmark of muscle damage remained the same as in runners who hadnt soaked Also in 2007 in one of the few randomized controlled tests examining the popular practice 40 volunteers did seated leg extensions until near exhaustion Afterward half sat in lukewarm water while the other half sat in an ice bath Next day those whod ice-bathed were just as sore as the control group In fact the ice bathers reported more pain than the others during a test in which they were asked to rise out of a chair using their tired leg for support The authors concluded that the "protocol of ice-water immersion was ineffectual" Get over it: If you like freezing your butt off soak away but the benefits are strictly psychological Any physiological effects wont last longer than the ice itselfMyth #8: Long and Slow Burns More CaloriesMyth: Long and slow burns more caloriesTruth: You need to pump up the intensityFor years its been assumed that you eliminate more lipids in the magical fat-burning zoneexercising between 68 and 79 percent of your maximum heart ratethan when you really exert yourself Why Because the theory went low-intensity exercise allows the body to fuel itself from the midsection rather than from readily available food caloriesBut a report by David Nieman a professor in the Human Performance Laboratory at Appalachian State University in North Carolina showed that strenuous exercise burns more calories per minute than easy sessions Which isnt surprising: higher intensity equals more calories But that study also determined that intense exercise increases your metabolism for up to 14 hours afterward In other studies light-duty exercise produced no such caloric afterburn "Weve become a nation of exercise wimps" Nieman says "Too many people dont bother or are afraid of exercising hard But intensity is probably the only way to lose weight with exercise"Your Move: Start sprinkling high-speed intervals into your slow runs Do hill repeats on your bike Try to maintain a heart rate at or above 80 percent of your max for about 45 minutes several times a weekMyth #9: Fructose Is a Performance KillerMyth: Fructose is a performance killerTruth: Fructose can be a performance superfuelThe warnings are stern: avoid fructose especially in the form of high-fructose corn syrup because its contributing to an obesity epidemic And the evidence is strong that people who are sedentary should avoid it But for active individuals its a different story "All athletes who compete or train for a period longer than 45 to 60 minutes will improve their performance by ingesting a solution containing carbohydrates" or sugar says Luc van Loon a professor in the Department of Human Movement Sciences at Maastricht University Medical Centre in the Netherlands And youll get more performance bang if that sugar is in part fructose When cyclists in a British study drank a beverage containing both fructose and glucose (a simple sugar that typically appears on labels as maltodextrin) they rode almost 8 percent faster during a time trial than riders who drank fluids with glucose alone "Fructose and glucose are taken up in the intestine by different transport proteins" van Loon says "This allows for a more rapid uptake of carbohydrates from the gut" Which means you have more calories available to you more quickly if you drink or eat carbohydrates containing fructoseMost high-fructose corn syrup contains approximately equal portions of glucose and fructose and is perfectly acceptable for athletes The concerns about high-fructose corn syrup have more to do with the highly processed foods they often show up in rather than the intrinsic characteristics of the sugar The drawback for endurance athletes is that the ideal ratio of glucose to fructose is 2:1 (not the 1:1 of corn syrups) "There are very few drinks on the market that provide that perfect mix" says Asker Jeukendrup a professor of exercise metabolism at the University of Birmingham in England who led the study of cyclistsYour Move: Read labels Some drinks such as PowerBars Ironman Performance beverages tout their 2:1 glucose-fructose mix For do-it-yourselfers sports nutritionist Nancy Clarks homemade sports drink from the fourth edition of her Sports Nutrition Guidebook is an ideal performance boost Gather together these ingredients:Then in a quart pitcher dissolve the sugar and salt in ¼ cup hot water Add the orange and lemon juice and 3 1/2 cups cold waterMyth #10: Supplements Help PerformanceMyth: Supplements help performanceTruth: Theres no such thing as a magic pill (At least a legal one)Antioxidants Including Vitamins A C and EConventional Wisdom: They destroy free radicals molecules created during exercise that are thought to contribute to cell damageScience Says: According to recent studies some free radicals appear to trigger chemical reactions that actually help strengthen muscles after exercise and improve health So taking antioxidants in excess may curb the benefits of exerciseQuercetinConventional Wisdom: A flavonoid found naturally in apples red wine grapes and other fruits and vegetables its thought to improve endurance capacity and fight fatigueScience Says: Athletes get little or no benefit from it An upcoming review of seven studies concluded that quercetin may be useful for out-of-shape people who start exercising but does next to nothing for the already fitCreatineConventional Wisdom: Its the most popular supplement in the country and power athletes insist it helps build muscle strength and bulkScience Says: It doesto a point College football players who used creatine bench-pressed more weight and Australian soccer players sprinted faster But if youre an endurance athlete creatine draws extra water into cells leading to diarrhea and even crampingDHEAConventional Wisdom: DHEA raises testosterone levels and helps build muscle and increase powerScience Says: Yes and no DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone that affects the bodys ability to produce testosterone But a 2006 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that daily doses in men with normal levels did not increase muscle strengthUp for DebateMassage Boosts RecoveryIn a 2010 study Canadian researchers had 12 healthy young men squeeze a hand grip until their arm muscles were spent then had a certified sports-massage therapist give half of them a rubdown The other half received no such pampering Surprisingly the massages did not increase blood flow to the mens musclesone of the primary reasons athletes seek bodywork after a strenuous workout Additionally researchers concluded that a massage "actually impairs removal of lactic acid from exercised muscle"Missing Link: Studies are needed that examine whether post-exercise massage might have other benefits Most athletes swear they feel better after being kneaded but so far theres no evidence at the cellular level to justify the indulgenceSurgery is best for an ACL tearA landmark study on torn ACLs published in 2010 in the New England Journal of Medicine led to heated disagreement about the effectiveness of going under the knife Researchers randomly assigned either surgery or physical therapy to a group of 121 active adults whod suffered an ACL tear After two years the groups knees were similar in terms of function and pain showing that there was little advantage to the surgeryMissing link: Finding a better way to repair wracked knees While plenty of athletes have come back from an ACL tear at an extremely high levelsurgery and physical therapy can usually restore basic knee stabilitymany never reach peak performance again In current ACL surgery injured tissue is often replaced But some surgeons are experimenting with reconstructing the ligament with new forms of tissue grafts which could produce better long-term outcomesCortisone Shots Speed HealingAlthough they can provide immediate pain relief for soft-tissue injuries such as tennis elbow and Achilles tendinopathy the shots can slow healing over the long term according to a number of new studies A comprehensive review of the available research published last year found that people whod received cortisone shots had a much lower rate of full recovery than those whod done nothing at all Plus they had a 63 percent higher risk of relapse Missing link: Trying to figure out exactly whats going on inside overtaxed tendons and ligaments In fact scientists dont fully understand the mechanics of injuries like tennis elbow and Achilles problems so they dont know how best to treat themexcept to say that cortisone shots dont appear to do the trick Filed To: Fitness Strength and Power Training Endurance Training Injury Prevention Recovery Nutrition Outside Features From Outside Magazine Jan 2012
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