
October 18, 1995 (1 month, 18 days old): A veterinarian bottle-feeds a baby panda inside an incubator at the Beijing Zoo because its mother, Yong Yong, has been unable to nurse it. This baby and its twin have passed the critical survival period and are expected to live by themselves in six months. Yong Yong has given birth five times to seven cubs, all of which have survived.
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August 21, 2002 (3 years old) Hua Mei celebrates another birthday with three bamboo candles on a cake made out of vegetables and ice. The San Diego Zoo's original twelve year agreement with the Chinese government said that any babies born to Bai Yun and Shi Shi would be returned to China on their third birthday. But the Chinese have not yet asked for custody.


July 10, 2002 (2 years, 10 months, 19 days) Hua Mei plays in artificial snow made from eighteen tons of crushed ice. The zoo believes in enriching the animals' lives by varying their environments and thinking up new activities for them.


July 9, 2002 (2 years, 10 months, 18 days) Hua Mei yawns as she rests comfortably in a tree.


August 21, 2001 (2 years old) Hua Mei celebrates her second birthday with a cake made out of ice, bamboo, and carrots starting with a big number two made out of ice. She weighs almost 150 pounds, which is still 70 pounds less than Bai Yun, and eats 15 pounds of bamboo each day.


February 22, 2001 (1 year, 6 months, 1 day) o/~ Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset o/~ Hua Mei and Bai Yun spend their last day together because Hua Mei is now old enough to live alone like adult pandas do. Tomorrow, she will be placed in her own exhibit area, and Bai Yun will be ready to try to have another baby.


[ March 10, 2000 (6 months, 17 days) The previous evening, Hua Mei decided to spend the night sleeping outside on a branch for the first time, even after Bai Yun went inside. Bai Yun came back out and tried to get Hua Mei to climb down, but the baby panda refused. So Bai Yun spent the night outside with her.


February 23, 2000 (6 months, 2 days) Hua Mei likes to sleep in some branches about 8 feet above the ground, but, by the beginning of March, she's been seen climbing to over twice that height.


February 11, 2000 (5 months, 21 days) Hua Mei goes on exhibit, and visitors can see her in person instead of just on the Pandacam. She likes to climb on the logs and is so active that the veterinarians find it hard to examine her.


January 26, 2000 (5 months, 5 days) Hua Mei continues to enjoy the outdoors and follows Bai Yun around. During her checkup, the keepers gave her a burlap sack to play with. She weighs over 20 pounds.