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原帖由 柳漫3 于 2008-4-18 11:24 发表
雪山獅子旗其實還可以奪回來,只要公開把它定為西藏自治區區旗,公開懸挂,就像港澳區旗那樣。那麽估計髒毒只好另改旗幟了。它不改,它有麻煩。以後開髒毒大會,鬼子看到這旗幟,也不知道是髒毒開會還是愛國藏人開會 ...

NONO! the HKese and MACAUese are also HAN nation, thus their special local government flag only announces the difference of political structure compared to mainland.
But if in Tibet the 雪山獅子旗 is permitted, every day the flag is remebering the Tibetans that they are different nation.
There is actually no problem for 髒毒大會, they donot have much influence on the Tibetan in Tibet. After the death of DALAI, every thing will be changed! The Dalai pointed by the Beijing government will be recoganized by the Tibetan in Tibet. Even not, the new Dalai (pointed by this old Dalai) is only a child. It takes at least more than 20 years before he gains the respect. I think the most of Tibetan will not remeber him.

I think our government does not need to change the Tibet politic. The major task at the moment the is the economic development. If the Tibetan all have a good life, who cares about the Free Tibet.



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回复 2# 的帖子

can u add 'is impossible' after' free Tibet'?


LZ, what about the national flag of south Korea? is it also a part of China?


原帖由 柳漫3 于 2008-4-18 11:11 发表 說實話,我不反對free tibet,我只反對independent tibet。中國一定能夠給西藏地區享受自由,藏人縂有一天會體會到美國總統富蘭克林說的話“哪裏有自由,哪裏就是我的祖國”。


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关键是(至少我们所的那面旗子)旁别写了free tibet!