[国际新闻] 出得厅堂入得厨房 高薪女强人网上“招聘”丈夫

5 Q0 _7 k  D8 T9 l- `+ y$ R9 irs238848.rs.hosteurope.de人在德国 社区" ^  M1 T+ L6 E7 y. |
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" r/ |! [+ x- V0 z) {几天前,克斯藤在一家招聘网站上发布了自己的招聘广告,并且上传了自己的视频录像。在该广告中,她这样说道:“经过在人力资源公司长达13年的艰苦打拼,现在我想寻找自己的‘另一半’,以共度余生。”对于未来丈夫的要求,克斯藤明确表示:“他必须至少会做4种菜,这主要是因为我只会做一种。”有趣的是,出于职业习惯,克斯藤在广告中还不忘对应聘者的各项能力要求进行评估。比如:烹调技术为“中等”,诚信度和幽默感为“高等”,忠诚度达到“专家级”。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de& ^# b2 n8 T/ B: C: K/ ?" i4 D- Y
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与普通工作招聘不同,克斯藤设立的这一“职位”没有任何薪水。应聘者可能得到的回报将包括:一个温暖舒适的家庭氛围,笑容和拥抱,忠诚的友谊,一个专注的倾听者,一个勤勉的劳动者,弹性工时,健康以及安全感。 " y3 K/ Y2 O- g3 n. X

: n+ U% {8 y: ?3 n4 p: L  O据悉,自从克斯藤的广告在互联网上发布之后,得到的回复寥寥无几。一些人更是挖苦道,克斯藤这份“公事公办”般的招聘广告可谓面面俱到,只是惟独少了“爱情”二字。

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/ |; `2 A# `  NWORKAHOLIC Kirsten Tilley is hoping to recruit her Mr Right by placing an advert on a website for jobseekers.
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Her jokey job description insists the successful applicant must have "intermediate cooking skills, advanced levels of honesty and humour and be expert in loyalty".8 A0 S4 c: ~, G; c4 `: h; Y4 s

) q* V9 {4 q5 ]: m0 ~High-flyer Kirsten, 36, has been single for two years after putting her career in corporate human resources first.
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" I. V; Y4 h1 K8 THopefuls "must also have own teeth" and will be expected to help out around the house.
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Under "job benefits", she lists: "A warm, loving environment, laughs and hugs, loyalty, true friendship, a good listener and flexible hours."
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Kirsten, of Bristol, adds: "No previous husband experience necessary. Ex-boyfriends need not apply."
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Jon Glas, managing director of jobs2view.com, said yesterday: "Her ad is attracting quite a lot of interest. It's a very enterprising approach."

Kirsten Tilley.jpg (25.43 KB)

Kirsten Tilley

Kirsten Tilley.jpg