[国际新闻] 校警绑架少女做性奴达10年

8 ~3 m# F3 I- _* U+ I人在德国 社区
6 m1 x$ G$ e. X2006年,卡奇在被囚禁10年之后,终于被当地警方营救。令人吃惊的是,她的被囚地点距离其父亲家竟然近在咫尺!日前,这一轰动全美的「少女性奴案」首次开庭公审。8 B( ]1 r: q  v9 S& i* p* Y7 Q7 P4 P& y
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1 q! `- m' j( u- [5 P9 w% }人在德国 社区色魔托马斯与现在的坦尼娅。
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. D: o: X9 e3 B! y& w人在德国 社区
& A' _8 E: @& k% q0 I# |3 V在此后的10年里,坦尼娅被当作「性奴」一直秘密囚禁在霍斯家二楼的房间里。更令人发指的是,他每次拿她发泄完兽欲后,都逼她把他们的性爱过程在一本日历上详细地记录下来,以便日后向他的狐朋狗友炫耀。1 @/ q8 \9 f6 q! Y5 D
人在德国 社区: A! X3 ?# R5 {7 j( n% F
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1 e' Y* u! ~! t- b- N7 L10年前的坦尼娅。
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+ g& T: J$ X' F+ t7 v( N1996年2月10日,坦尼娅突然失踪。父亲四处寻找,不仅报了警,还四处张贴寻人启事。让他万万没有想到的是,女儿就躲在离家不到两英里的地方。
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Friends lead Tanya Kach, 25, from court after Thomas John Hose (inset) pleaded guilty.0 K! N& m4 U' A

# X7 ?4 P! D2 q* ]人在德国 社区
# L4 t: D8 P# _- mrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deEx-school guard locked up teen for 10 yearsrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de* q* k5 L% O1 ^

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( Q$ h/ X. i1 s% ^1 x. c( SA former Pennsylvania school security guard accused of keeping a teenage runaway in his home for a decade and having sex with her pleaded guilty today to all charges and was sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.
5 z: ?, Z6 B" q( V$ f7 C6 ^人在德国 社区
+ P1 Z4 e' {7 \# c! T, ^Thomas John Hose, 49, took in the 14-year-old girl and kept her from leaving the tiny home he shared with his parents and son, prosecutors said. Tanya Nicole Kach, now 25, has said the two regularly had sex during the decade she was in the home.
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Hose had been a security guard at Kach's school, and Kach went to live with him in February 1996. She has said she had a crush on him.
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In recent years, Kach said she had been allowed out occasionally. Last March, she revealed her identity as a runaway to a deli owner she had befriended, leading to Hose's arrest.6 Z, G- v7 _/ z7 c0 U
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The Associated Press normally does not name victims of sex crimes, but Kach has spoken with reporters about her experience. Kach, who approved of the plea, did not speak to the media after leaving court.8 x1 ^/ Y5 I. k9 |
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In court, Kach read from a letter, her voice faltering and her eyes welling with tears.
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"I just want to know why you did what you did to me for 10 years. Why?" Kach asked. Hose took away her innocence and made her feel as though only he loved her, she said.& W3 r3 b# Q1 D8 A
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"It's so sad to say, but I was a puppet, nothing but a puppet," Kach said, noting that Hose controlled what she ate, drank and wore. "I am not that dominated puppet anymore."8 e+ [& d7 U/ ~7 M. I8 R! m

' r* h( p7 F. }( M8 k人在德国 社区Hose apologised, saying: "Only God knows how sorry I truly am."% V5 @$ x" g) V  J8 l- H

6 P' y! E3 `' D' X; U8 {' k9 DBut he also said he remembers Kach repeatedly telling him, "Thank you, because without you, I'd be dead or in the streets."$ z! l9 P# d" F1 W
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Hose's trial was scheduled to begin today, but instead he pleaded guilty to statutory sexual assault, three counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, two counts of indecent assault and one count each of endangering the welfare of children, corruption of a minor, interference with custody of children and aggravated indecent assault.
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He was not charged with kidnapping.
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Hose's lawyer, Jim Ecker, said he was pleased with the outcome, noting Hose was facing more than 100 years as maximum and 15 to 20 years in mandatory sentences.
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. I+ q4 c2 C2 k5 f& M# K2 ]: s3 _Also today, Judith Sokol, a beautician who helped Kach run away by changing her looks, pleaded no contest a handful of charges. The plea has the same effect as a guilty plea but the defendant neither acknowledges or denies the charge.4 T8 C* Z9 q6 b' {4 y* d
Kach has sued Hose and Sokol among others in federal court. Her lawyer in that lawsuit, Lawrence Fisher, said Kach was relieved to have the criminal case behind her.* W! B  K& }! U
人在德国 社区# f- M) C0 K$ ]8 b
Hose attempted suicide by stabbing himself in the stomach just before his trial in February. The trial was delayed again in May, when his lawyer said Hose still had anxiety problems and wanted to hang himself.
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! }; K2 U# ^* f( W[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-6-28 10:47 编辑 ]
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