
Spooky murder in Loudoun County, VA Sat, 04/04/2009 - 8:39pm
Last month, former Army officer William Bennett was found murdered after being out with his wife on an early morning walk in a residential neighborhood in Lansdowne, Virginia. His wife Cynthia was badly injured but survived the March 22nd attack, which is being investigated by local and federal authorities.
In 1999, sources bring to our attention, Bennett was a retired Army lieutenant colonel working at the CIA on contract as a targeter during the 78-day NATO air war on Kosovo. He was one of the people, according to a former U.S. intelligence source, found responsible by the Agency for feeding the target into the system that resulted in the May 7, 1999 NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.
CIA spokesman George Little told the Loudoun Independent that Bennett left his job at the Agency in 2000.
The former U.S. intelligence source says Bennett was fired as a consequence of the CIA investigation into how the Chinese embassy was targeted.
On April 8, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that the CIA “has fired one employee and sanctioned six others, including a senior official, in the first official punishment of those involved in the deadly incident. …The State Department informed the Chinese Embassy in Washington on Saturday of the disciplinary actions by the CIA … The CIA declined to identify those who were disciplined for the bombing, which killed three Chinese civilians and wounded 27 others. But a U.S. official said the agent who was fired ‘was the one who selected the target . . . and essentially put the X on the map in the wrong place.’"
According to the former intelligence source, that one person fired by the CIA over the incident was Bennett.
The CIA would not confirm that. “When it comes to Bennett, the CIA has not commented on what his responsibilities were as a contractor, noting only that his service with the Agency ended in 2000,” CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano told Foreign Policy Saturday.
Gimigliano would not comment on whether extra security precautions were being advised for the other CIA officials who were reported as having been sanctioned by the CIA for the incident.
The bombing of the Chinese embassy was immediately declared a terrible mistake by the U.S. government, but it caused severe diplomatic strain on U.S. relations with Beijing. The U.S. government said the bombing of the Chinese embassy was the result in part of targeting based on old maps, that did not note that the Chinese embassy had moved to nearby the targeted location, the headquarters of the Yugoslav Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement.
“According to administration, defense and intelligence officials, the bombing was caused by a fundamentally flawed process for trying to locate the directorate's headquarters in the New Belgrade section of the Yugoslav capital,” the New York Times reported in 2000. “Armed with only an address, 2 Bulevar Umetnosti, the officer who was dismissed used an unclassified military map to try to pinpoint the building's location, based on a limited knowledge of addresses on a parallel street.”
“On the map, which the National Imagery and Mapping Agency produced in 1997, the building that turned out to be the embassy was not identified,” the Times report continued. “Instead, the map showed the embassy in its former location in central Belgrade. After a location was identified, the target was discussed during at least three meetings among C.I.A.officials, none of whom, evidently, questioned the identification process, the officials said. The target was then turned over to Pentagon officials, who, also without questioning it, put it on a list of targets to bomb in Belgrade.”
“It was the first and last target the C.I.A. selected during the war, Mr. Tenet testified last year,” the Times’ report said.
“China expressed strong dissatisfaction today with CIA disciplinary action taken against several employees in connection with the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and once again rejected U.S. conclusions that human error caused the attack,” the Washington Post reported days after the CIA announced the disciplinary action against the seven officers. “Beijing said it was not appeased by Saturday's announcement."
The FBI has reportedly joined the Loudon County Sheriff’s office in investigating Bennett’s murder.

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本帖最后由 menma 于 2009-4-19 23:07 编辑

4# insectide 嗯,不枉顶着精英的帽子,分析的有道理.多努力!把我甩的远点.




ZT 文章提交者:思项羽 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net


1. 这个威廉。本尼特(William Bernett)根本不是什么“负责人”。1999年时,他已经从陆军中退休。换言之,他根本不是“圈内人”。而是一个以赚钱为目的,为军事部门提供服务的商人而已。


3.1999年,他以“自由职业者” (Contractor)的身份,被FBI和空军部门重新聘用。负责“定位员”的工作(Targeter)。基本上,就是在地图上确定方位和坐标。供空军轰炸时,电脑定位之用(Feeding)

4.他只不过是他的那一组人(至少7 人)中的一个。一个普通的操作人员而已,而不是一个政策的制定者(这一点非常重要)。


6.事发的时候,行凶的人达到4-5个之多,而且用的是加长型的货运箱形车(Panel Van)。显然,这不是一起职业的谋杀案。如果是,众多的凶手,和一部目标明显,笨重的车辆,岂不立刻就要暴露目标?






真精不怕火恋 发表于 2009-4-14 16:52



