
Professor sought after 3 shot dead near University of Georgia
(CNN) -- Police are looking for a University of Georgia professor in connection with the shooting deaths of three people on Saturday, a local coroner told CNN.

An alert on the UGA Web site says professor George Zinkhan is a suspect in an off-campus shooting.
Sonny Wilson, Athens-Clarke County coroner, confirmed the killings, but did not immediately identify the victims.
Athens-Clarke County Police confirmed that two other people were wounded in the shooting, but the extent of their injuries wasn't available Saturday evening.
Information about the shooting was disseminated through a campus-wide alert, which identified Prof. George Zinkhan as a shooting suspect. Zinkhan is a professor in the department of marketing and distribution at the Terry College of Business, according to the university Web site.
"George Zinkhan is a white male in his mid-50s with a goatee or beard. Current information is that he was last seen wearing a polo shirt, blue shorts, and a backpack. He was last thought to be in a red car in the area of Prince Avenue," the alert said.
A huge police presence crowded downtown Athens streets, many already blocked off for the 30th Annual Athens Twilight Criterium, a festival and bike race scheduled this weekend that draws 30,000 people annually.
Pete Konenkamp, a university spokesman, said the incident took place off the UGA campus and is being investigated by Athens-Clarke County police. He said campus police are assisting.
The news reverberated across Athens.
"The University community is shocked and saddened at this tragic event," University of Georgia President Michael F. Adams, said in a written statement. "Our first thoughts are for safety of the university community and for prompt apprehension of the person responsible. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all those who have been affected."
CNN affiliate WSB-TV said the shooting occurred behind the Taylor-Grady House, a National Historic Landmark on Prince Avenue.
Michael Castengera, who teaches at the university, told CNN his daughter text-messaged him about the killings and that she was being questioned by police as a witness. He said two of the victims were close friends of hers.

He said the group at the location were the Town and Gown Players, a community theater group, and that his daughter is on the board of the theater, where they were gathered for some sort of meeting.
The theater Web site said its present production, "Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure," is canceled.






我要这天  再遮不住我眼   
要这地     再埋不了我心   
要这众生  都明白我意  
要那诸佛  都烟消云散


有线电视新闻网( CNN ) -警方现正通缉一名佐治亚大学的教授与射击3人死亡,上周六,当地验尸官告诉有线电视新闻网。




信息传播射击通过全校园警报,其中确定教授乔治Zinkhan作为拍摄嫌疑人。 Zinkhan是一个系教授营销和分配的特里商学院,根据大学的网站。


巨大的警力拥挤雅典市中心的街道,许多已经封锁了30年的雅典黄昏Criterium ,节日和自行车比赛定于本周末说,每年吸引30000人。

皮特Konenkamp ,校方发言人说,事件发生了UGA校园正由雅典克拉克县警察。他说,校园警察的协助。


“大学是社会的震惊和悲痛在这一悲惨事件, ”佐治亚大学总裁楼亚当斯说,在一份书面声明。 “我们的第一个想法是安全的社会和大学迅速逮捕了负责人。我们的思念和祈祷的家属谁所有这些都受到了影响。 ”

美国子公司WSB -电视台报道说,枪击事件发生后泰勒格雷迪家,一个国家历史地标王子大道。

迈克尔Castengera ,谁在大学任教,他的女儿告诉有线电视新闻网的文字messaged他杀害,她提出质疑警察作为证人。他说,两名受害者是对她的亲密朋友。


剧院网站表示,其目前的生产, “福尔摩斯:最后的冒险” ,是取消。