[国际新闻] 美国食品及药物管理局呼吁当地消费者避免使用任何中国生产的牙膏

在美国联邦建康部门5月份发现中国有毒牙膏已进入美国后,曾警告说已在便利店发现了绝大多数有毒牙膏。纽约时报说,但实际上约有90万只有毒牙膏流进了美国市场。, h0 x& c& Q0 A

0 }: k' T3 h: w, ]: j7 o. L% F纽约时报6月28日的文章指出,尽管美国监管当局已对来自中国的有毒牙膏发出了警告,并宣称已发现和查封了绝大多数含有二甘醇成分的牙膏,但实际上这种有毒牙膏已经被更广泛地批发出去,约有90万只中国牙膏已被卖给精神病医院、监狱、青少年关押中心,甚至一些为大众提供服务的医院。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de- L( b+ e  c, _' y

; q- e1 d0 ^5 d+ c) B据一些州的政府官员透露,从中国进口的牙膏已被转交给数十个社会事业机构,其中绝大多数在乔台亚州,同时还有北卡罗来纳州。此外,南卡罗来纳州和佛罗里达州的一些医院也报告说,它们收到了中国产的牙膏。一家全国性的药物经销商表示,正在召回中国的有毒牙膏。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 X6 d; n" b" A

0 \2 z) X& @6 w, {( t日前,美国食品药品管理局已建议消费者,立即丢弃所有中国产的牙膏,不管是什么牌子。纽约时报说,据乔治亚州和北卡罗来纳州政府官员说,所有的有毒牙膏已被非中国产的牙膏替换了。这些官员表示,目前还没有接到因牙膏而中毒或生病的报告。) N+ E" m% F) Y+ w

! l. ~' k; S! Z- O3 [美国食品药品管理局的官员指出,牙膏中即使含有少量的不良成分如二甘醇,都有对儿童和肾脏肝脏患有疾病的人造成中毒和伤害的风险,尽管这种风险很小。美国药品管理局发言人说,这种成分不应该出现在牙膏中,“自5月份以来,没有中国产的牙膏进入美国市场”。2 p0 Q. Y" K6 r+ l3 |

! H' b2 S  J" o* d4 Y纽约时报说,自今年5月巴拿马政府发现中国牙膏含有二甘醇成分后,一些拉丁美洲国家和非洲国家还有日本都对中国产的牙膏进行查封。多维社最新注意到,日本近日已召回62万只中国产牙膏。巴拿马检方称,2006年他们无意中用中国产的有毒成分,生产了26万瓶感冒药,结果至少造成100人死亡。
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% v1 {$ Z7 }$ L" x中国生产的牙膏中经常使用二甘醇,来代替较为昂贵的甘油。中国监管部门称,牙膏中含有少量的二甘醇,不会对人体造成伤害,国际社会对它的担忧是不合理的。: o! M) S$ q, A2 `0 K3 y
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文章称,在美国食品药品管理局对中国牙膏表示担忧之后,乔治亚州政府管理部门就开始检查是否有中国牙膏继续被使用。结果他们在该州的83所监狱、4所精神病医院和4所青少年关押中心,都发出了中国产的牙膏。$ J0 P- c, z( W
  j+ c7 |' A2 \
负责对中国牙膏进行调查的乔治亚州政府部门的承包商负责人比尔(Rick Beal),他们在检查过程中已经没收了5877箱中国牙膏,每箱共144只,品牌是Springfresh。比尔称,化验结果显示,这些中国牙膏二甘醇成分的比率约为5%。比尔介绍说,乔治亚州在2002年购买这些牙膏的价格是每只9美分。比尔称,现在还不知道有多少只牙膏已被用掉了。5 j$ q2 |5 h  z. v3 g; l0 H- h, I
6 l/ K3 h+ h9 p3 C, r! P
据悉,这批中国产的牙膏都是设在西雅图的名叫American Amenities的批发商经销的。比尔表示,现在还不知道这批牙膏是由哪家中国厂商生产的。American Amenities的律师表示,该公司已经召回了所有可疑的产品,并决定停止从中国进口牙膏。发言人称,据信该公司共有30多家社会事业机构的客户,绝大多数都在乔治亚州。
+ Z5 D2 t5 l4 _人在德国 社区
& ]. G" a( Z! q* M3 n人在德国 社区北卡罗来纳州矫正机构发言人说,该机构估计已从旧金山的一家名叫Pacific Care的公司购进了2.2万只中国牙膏,其品牌为Pacific,牙膏内含有少量的二甘醇。Pacific Care公司未对纽约时报的查询作出回应,不过该公司的一名管理人员在写给北卡州官方的信件中称,这批牙膏是西雅图另一家公司Amercare的产品。Amercare公司拒绝对此发表评论。
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' U$ w4 b2 D* r4 [- b$ zrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de纽约时报说,美国另一家主要药品经销商和健康服务公司McKesson,也对含有少量二甘醇的中国牙膏进行了召回。该公司发言人称,尽管他们经销的牙膏品牌没有列入联邦监管部门的“黑名单”,他们还是请一家实验室进行了化验。在发现含有少量的二甘醇后,公司便立即召回了这批产品。
0 l8 o" s- E: {6 z" K1 v人在德国 社区
' \2 M5 ~1 B% h8 Grs238848.rs.hosteurope.deMcKesson公司的发言人称,他们检查了所有的销售记录,并与所有购买这种产品的客户进行了接触。但发言人还补充说,现在还不知道有多少客户已经购买了这种产品。
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消息称,最近,中国牙膏在境外市场遇到了前所未有的困扰,自从上个月巴拿马查出国内出口的牙膏含有二甘醇开始,内地牙膏产品相继在美国、新加坡、香港遭遇安全质疑,不少产品甚至被停售。9 W9 ?& t# }* h2 C* k! `6 T3 `  E

. J! }! x2 R/ g2 F; s8 E这场风波给中国牙膏企业带来了不小的损失。中国口腔清洁护理用品工业协会秘书长相建强说:“今年我估计要减少1000万美元,这是我们行业不应该受到的一个损失。”
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  t$ c  `! u: t0 C) u( E5 jA photo provided by the North Carolina Department of Corrections shows one of about 22,000 tubes of Chinese toothpaste it bought. 人在德国 社区$ i5 l; o- C( Z) [

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/ y+ S$ q2 i+ P- n
9 i( }9 N3 D1 r* W& y1 y2 z1 irs238848.rs.hosteurope.deWider Sale Is Seen for Toothpaste Tainted in China 人在德国 社区4 u: ^  Z; K: i) N4 P# z
3 i' C* M* ?5 z# ~% a
5 z' d6 }& s; R7 W. N& k
After federal health officials discovered last month that tainted Chinese toothpaste had entered the United States, they warned that it would most likely be found in discount stores. , P) k- l) }% a% m
人在德国 社区( }1 x" b* T8 c0 ^6 }( J% ~
In fact, the toothpaste has been distributed much more widely. Roughly 900,000 tubes containing a poison used in some antifreeze products have turned up in hospitals for the mentally ill, prisons, juvenile detention centers and even some hospitals serving the general population.
* P( y: {: n" `( Z% \: y+ o* b, L' y: w1 i# k- y, z; [3 m
The toothpaste was handed out in dozens of state institutions, mostly in Georgia but also in North Carolina, according to state officials. Hospitals in South Carolina and Florida also reported receiving Chinese-made toothpaste, and a major national pharmaceutical distributor said it was recalling tainted Chinese toothpaste.  q" O3 _1 M, l

; b2 Z3 j6 }0 C* M7 d! AThe Food and Drug Administration has advised consumers to discard all Chinese-made toothpaste, regardless of the brand. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de7 \5 \; T6 B6 Q; F' t
' V/ a- r# @9 n1 c8 `  G+ P9 c5 R
State officials in Georgia and North Carolina said all the tainted tubes were being replaced with brands made outside China. The officials said there had been no reports of illnesses caused by the toothpaste.6 G- L% ?1 l; y2 ]* @( M0 R6 P
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; `5 ?8 W2 ^: m: R/ [) A  {! P
Officials of the Food and Drug Administration said toothpaste with even small amounts of the bad ingredient, diethylene glycol, a syrupy poison, had a “low but meaningful risk of toxicity and injury” for children and people with kidney or liver disease.
" Q) z  Y7 C. [9 {% w6 v" x人在德国 社区
) u% P  E) O+ d% a# Q“This stuff does not belong in toothpaste, period,” a spokesman for the drug agency, Doug Arbesfeld, said. “No Chinese toothpaste has come into the country since the end of May.”
1 L7 [: I' t4 E9 _* ^! V9 _2 c+ v) o4 d' z3 `& z4 ?" v
Since the Panamanian government found Chinese toothpaste with diethylene glycol in May, countries from Latin America to West Africa to Japan have seized the toothpaste. 人在德国 社区; ^6 _/ e  D8 ^4 o) t# C+ `

3 K+ T* |% H( N: ~( H" xPanama last year inadvertently mixed the poison made in China into 260,000 bottles of cold medicine, killing at least 100 people, prosecutors there said.
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Diethylene glycol is often used in Chinese toothpaste in place of its more expensive chemical cousin glycerin. Chinese regulators have said that toothpaste with small amounts of diethylene glycol is not harmful and that international concern is unjustified.人在德国 社区) S$ E% G' t' ~( H

  E, L: U+ s1 ~# e: B# Z1 x人在德国 社区After the drug agency expressed concern about tainted toothpaste, the Georgia Department of Administrative Services checked to see whether Chinese toothpaste was being used by the state. The department found it in 83 prisons, 4 mental health centers and 4 juvenile detention centers, said Rick Beal, contracts manager for the department.
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Mr. Beal said officials confiscated 5,877 remaining cases, each with 144 tubes, of the Springfresh brand. Tests showed the toothpaste had a diethylene glycol concentration of about 5 percent, he said. 0 R8 c3 g; b0 M) X  f3 Q( P
; J' `5 X: l7 A. i% i5 x! D
The state bought the toothpaste for about 9 cents a tube in 2002. Mr. Beal said he did not know how many tubes had been used. # D3 l8 }: j- \: R+ w5 r; f# V

7 o+ r+ ]9 U2 g8 N& ]; ]人在德国 社区There are no reports of harm resulting from the toothpaste, bought from a distributor, American Amenities in Seattle. # s6 g; M, C; \2 [3 W

2 R4 f* y9 U* ?2 ~8 m“We do not know who their manufacturer from China was,” Mr. Beal said.% F0 @- w7 o4 O5 u0 T9 }( \
5 j, u# o1 n* s1 \1 g- l# O2 B
A lawyer for American Amenities, Jesse Lyon, said it had recalled all suspect shipments of the product and had decided to stop importing Chinese toothpaste. Mr. Lyon said he believed that American Amenities had about 30 institutional customers, with Georgia being the largest. 2 e* O5 j! @& H: F3 `8 P( r
0 N- J2 X3 D$ L8 v# s- s$ H9 y1 J
A spokesman for the North Carolina Department of Corrections, George Dudley, said his agency estimated that it bought 22,000 tubes of Pacific brand Chinese toothpaste with a small amount of diethylene glycol from Pacific Care Products in San Francisco. 3 p) C" g- T1 V
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de0 y% m/ j$ J' V4 O, [6 ^
Pacific Care did not respond to a request for comment, but an executive wrote to North Carolina officials that the toothpaste came from Amercare Products, also in Seattle. A spokeswoman for Amercare declined to comment.
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1 c9 Y% \# J( U6 W; IChinese toothpaste containing “trace amounts” of diethylene glycol has also been recalled from healthcare institutions by McKesson, a major pharmaceutical distributor and health services company, said a spokesman, James Larkin.! Z9 g( I. K8 s  R* S7 p4 `; U! j

" G7 g. x+ p/ F$ s4 hMr. Larkin said although this particular brand, McKesson EverFRESH, was not on the drug agency’s list of contaminated toothpaste, McKesson asked a laboratory to test it. When small amounts of diethylene glycol turned up, the company recalled the product, he said.
+ `" x/ M. v( w& t+ Q
! k5 H: F, Y9 F& ~rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de“We went back through our records, and every customer that ever bought the product was contacted,” Mr. Larkin said.
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He added that on short notice he could not determine how many customers had bought the product.
5 Q+ n) c' _5 H' `- V4 j- [( t; z/ V7 z% c9 ?: _
One institution that did was Florida Hospital Waterman, a 200-bed institution in Tavares, Fla.
$ L3 C# S- o2 _4 |% _9 A1 s2 L  u: R
“We pulled that product,” Bonnie Zimmerman of the hospital said. 2 ]. |; K/ \% o* G0 q' d$ b
5 Y$ M3 K  O* S5 L5 {  j" a* `
Ms. Zimmerman said that the toothpaste that replaced it also came from China and it had “trace amounts” of diethylene glycol. It, too, was removed, she said.
3 D% a, G: O' O! ^( urs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
  T6 r, z) ]# F' r1 x  V3 fIn South Carolina, four hospitals in the Greenville Hospital System also removed Chinese toothpaste, even though its distributor said it did not have diethylene glycol, said John Mateka, executive director of materials management for the group.
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