[国际新闻] 「做爱做的事」理由多达237个

2007年07月16日14:42 金羊网-羊城晚报( A+ W+ E: {, c: R- y' t0 m4 R
) s0 c. k# m; T% d6 ~7 m; J& x
  真的出于爱?美国一项调查人为什么要做爱的研究发现,男女做爱的原因多达237个,由“燃烧卡路里”、“解闷”、“为升职”以至神圣如“与神更亲近”都有,可谓千奇百怪!人在德国 社区" B* m- w( g4 E# M

6 u) |. C; g' A, c- x  p" V7 e& H, ~  美国德州大学的心理学家邀请了二千多名17至52岁的男女,进行一项史无前例的大型心理研究,结果发现他们做爱的原因多多,尽管“爱”仍然是最关键的理由,有人却是为了消除头痛、燃烧卡路里、取暖、解闷、减压、容易入睡,甚至升职、报复、与神更亲近等等而做爱。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de2 |( W( A/ p) T/ x. P4 a) L
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# W! T! [! d7 X# l9 j* @  研究人员表示,237个做爱理由中,虽然部分并非主流,但每一个都被最少一人视为最重要的做爱原因。综合来说,大部分人做爱的原因主要出于爱、浪漫、快乐、感情、情欲、刺激、兴奋及讨好对方等。
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Boredom, revenge and the other 235 reasons to have sex
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Moment of passion, or is the story more complex?& ?5 {. u( G# P
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de0 V# ?5 P% {( j) l" s

( o4 O0 Q$ i. L1 W人在德国 社区Some do it to keep warm on a chilly night. Others think it might burn off a few calories after a heavy dinner. The spiritual among us might even feel it brings us closer to God. But the main reason for having sex is seldom as straightforward as passion, it is claimed.人在德国 社区* S7 {+ T2 x7 T# B' W1 D# u
人在德国 社区1 t; C/ r1 q; I4 r) b1 v+ o: I% u: r
While love and attraction remain a clincher for some, psychologists have identified 235 other reasons why men and women want to make love." o4 b5 H: X8 N. `+ A

6 n; o, X1 L8 G5 lAccording to the biggest study carried out into sexual motivations, these include that it is a "reasonably effective way of overcoming boredom", help you fall asleep or gets rid of a stress headache. For others, the desire for revenge was the major factor, while some lovers were motivated by a purely selfless wish to make the other person feel good. The researchers also confirmed what most already consider obvious - men and women think differently about sex. They found it was more about the physical experience for men, while women's desires were based on an emotional need. Women were much more likely to say: "I realised that I was in love." Men were more likely to say: "I wanted to increase the number of partners I had experienced."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 {9 U8 v- F4 a/ G
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Researcher Cindy Meston said: "We identified 237 distinct reasons why people have sex. They ranged from the mundane - 'It feels good', to the spiritual - 'I wanted to feel closer to God'. % i9 A0 U  o. i4 a8 _
人在德国 社区. ?& r" @: s- S# T' C7 y
From altruistic - 'I wanted the other person to feel good', to manipulative - 'I wanted to get a promotion'." 人在德国 社区0 i, x5 L& t; o& [) ?

5 z) u, K8 o  e) R( Ers238848.rs.hosteurope.deFor the study, reported in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour this week, psychologists at the University of Texas quizzed more than 2,000 men and women aged 17 to 52. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de5 g: D' y( r3 [. G" A
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"Why people have sex is a surprisingly little-studied topic," says their report. "One reason for its relative neglect is that scientists might simply assume that the answers are obvious." : |$ G2 r7 ?- J
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Each of the 237 reasons was given the highest rating by at least one of the people taking part. 7 G9 B7 \* I3 B

, ]. G( J" i; h: s, F' X5 ~rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"The frequently endorsed reasons for having sex, reflect what motivates most people most of the time: attraction, pleasure, affection, love, romance, emotional closeness, arousal, the desire to please, adventure, excitement and opportunity," say the psychologists.
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' t, G4 Y: a( N7 jrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"The less frequently-endorsed reasons, however, may be no less important. One person's seemingly trivial reason for having sex might well be another's magnificent obsession."
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-7-16 18:09 编辑 ]