[经济金融] 中国与欧盟可能爆发第二次「奶罩战争」

欧盟将在中欧纺织品配额限制年底届满前做出新的决定,人们担心这可能引发中欧第二次"奶罩战争"。: B# G9 o7 _7 q/ G4 _6 [. o
人在德国 社区! n3 l5 p4 ]/ Z- V' b) ]! S8 ]! \
2005年欧盟对中国大量进口的胸罩等廉价纺织品实施配额制度,引起了双方的贸易争议,一些西方媒体称之为"奶罩战争"。, o& S5 p; e7 c2 O# O

6 k! \3 \/ ^4 P& H) g欧盟与中国后来达成了协议,欧盟对中国纺织品实施配额限制,但允诺在2008年结束这一限制,同时中国自动减少对欧盟的出口量。
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% V( ^5 `7 q, h9 s+ b/ s0 _人在德国 社区要求协助过渡
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( u; @1 Z; Q$ x7 ^  R! p3 Rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de同时,欧盟也要求中国在2008年取消配额限制前帮助欧盟维持这一过渡期的稳定性,避免发生类似2005年初“胸罩战”时的情况。( c: H# c3 y" Z8 \

' k" Q; S! s: N5 a  ]0 x7 o( K当时,许多订单被取消和大量中国纺织品被积压在仓库里,一些欧洲服装店却面临缺货。
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) |, a3 }$ V: a2 w欧盟警告说,中国必须处理其庞大的对欧洲贸易盈余,进一步取消对欧洲公司的贸易障碍,向外资开放市场和投资。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de5 K/ Q, a; B; D1 H

2 \& Y& a- u4 ]$ t% k$ T人在德国 社区欧盟也向中国施压,要求中国对知识产权和版权法规进行重大的改革,彻底取缔中国企业仿冒欧洲品牌的情况,并要求使用欧洲设计的中国企业向欧洲公司支付特许经营费。% I- j6 V3 V) u, b

. ^: P  N, a9 Y6 t中国商务部长薄熙来上月对曼德尔森说,北京注意到目前中欧贸易不平衡的情况,并承诺努力解决这一问题。
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+ n6 m5 F' ?: h% v6 T9 \3 Y4 k: z# W中国官方数码显示,今年头五个月,中国对第一大出口市场欧盟的出口总额达到95.3亿美元,累计对欧盟出口仅增长5.5%,并预计将进一步下降。

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来源:联合早报网rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  }7 _2 o* f  [7 E1 h

1 i8 S1 l0 e/ }1 p0 T+ o" PBritish retailers warn over 'bra wars'
# z9 {" F, Z: ^rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de/ d5 S) \% n+ ]; f0 A
Friday July 20, 2007
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1 a2 F# G: J; y+ D. s- I人在德国 社区British retailers today urged the government and the European commission to stand firm on scrapping quotas on Chinese clothing imports from the end of this year or risk another "bra wars" fiasco.6 m8 L" z2 \) B6 u4 _4 P
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The call from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) was backed up by the EU-wide Foreign Trade Association (FTA) which told Peter Mandelson, EU trade commissioner, to reject protectionist moves led by France and parts of the textiles industry to extend the quota ceilings imposed in 2005.
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1 G2 K' ^2 a5 X  f人在德国 社区Mr Mandelson is pressing China to agree to joint monitoring of imports in 2008 but so far the Beijing authorities, who have cut some export rebates, have been lukewarm. China accounts for 23.8% of the EU market, according to Euratex, the producers' lobby group. . d3 a# Q/ ?5 A

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The former Labour cabinet minister reluctantly agreed in 2005, under pressure from France and other "Club Med" EU states, to cap rising levels of clothing imports from China such as tee-shirts to around 12.5%. 人在德国 社区1 x+ y, h+ L- k7 l2 L, W

: k( s  Q( S% v1 }  ]: I: gThis followed a doubling of imports in some categories accompanied by savage price cuts in just a few months after all trade restrictions were removed. Tens of millions of clothing items were blocked at European ports.
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Ahead of Sunday's meeting of EU trade ministers, Kevin Hawkins, BRC director general, said France wanted to extend the quotas for a further year but retailers were already ordering new ranges for spring and summer 2008 and wanted a firm commitment to free trade.
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In a letter to trade and consumer affairs minister Gareth Thomas, he warned against "recent political developments which threaten to undermine Europe's trade policy, signalling a descent into a damaging protectionist spiral".
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He accused countries such as France and Italy of failing to pass on to consumers price cuts over the past decade. UK retail clothing prices have fallen 50% in 10 years. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de: m" v) S3 h4 e1 j2 J% ?) Z  ?

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: ]0 ^  D3 H- e6 s! zFerry den Hoed, FTA president, who met Mr Mandelson today, said: "We now have to get serious with the commission on its promises to retailers, importers and ultimately consumers for the creation of a liberal market for world trade in textiles."
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Mr Mandelson meets producers on Monday. He says that the current system has stabilised, giving European firms a breathing space to adapt to new levels of competition and focus on high value-added products, with Italian exports to China up significantly. Total Chinese textile imports to the EU have risen 42% in volume in two years while consumer prices overall have fallen 16%.