[国际新闻] 意大利时装“小温州”造

本帖最后由 Ampelmann 于 2010-11-20 15:00 编辑 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  w( {/ W$ q# E- s4 u

4 t5 L! Y! K/ J: W6 E% Y. D在意大利的制衣业大本营普拉托,“快尚时装”业(pronto moda)近十几年来迅速崛起,支撑这一产业的是通常从中国进口的廉价纺织面料,以及能将这些面料迅速加工成定制时装的中国工人,他们大多来自温州。这些时装都会挂“意大利制造”的牌子。/ h/ o3 ^  R! |0 D1 }; w

' C- M) m( Y6 c1 h! yrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de这些“快尚时装”之所以能卖低价,靠的是低价人工和低价面料。在遍布普拉托的服装加工厂里,中国工人每天工作15至16 小时,他们的工作条件和工资水平都是意大利人无法接受的。
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( P, X; J2 X/ eMade in little Wenzhou, Italy: the latest label from Tuscany1 Z( |& A# s, l; X
You only need to walk a few hundred yards down Via Pistoiese, anarrow road out of Prato, to feel you have travelled several thousandmiles. Beyond the bakery, at number 29, Italy all but evaporates.7 b8 P1 ?' q8 M' H3 |/ w

6 t9 _0 q9 i& H8 k! R. a6 Grs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThesupermarket shelves offer dried lily flowers, bags of deep-frozenchickens' feet and jars of salted jellyfish. There is a Chineseherbalist, a Chinese jeweller, Chinese restaurants and bars, even aChinese ice cream parlour.
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Two young women walk past a fresco in Prato, which has Italy's largestChinese population.
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