[科技新闻] 行李滑板车

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+ H& {: ^# x  {6 t$ urs238848.rs.hosteurope.de英国一家公司研发出一款“行李滑板车”,可让旅客踏著滑板车,连人带行李“飞车”赶抵登机口。
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/ v: o7 c0 J. i% m“行李滑板车”是由一个容量26升的行李箱及一架小型滑板车组成,用家只要把置於行李箱背部的踏板及扶手拉出,就可当作滑板车使用,轻轻一划就能全速前进;亦可隨时把滑板车收起,变回普通行李箱。不过,“行李滑板车”价格不菲,每个售250英镑。
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& h* F6 k3 V2 X0 ?Forget booking a taxi, now you can RIDE your luggage to the airport as firm designs 'scooter suitcase': Q3 a9 G; S3 Q% T7 m! s
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Trying to run with a suitcase because you're late for your flight is a nightmare that most of us have had to deal with.
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% g) M) N+ N8 U, K人在德国 社区But now a firm has designed a case that could make the desperate dash across Heathrow a breeze - with a bizarre 'commuter scooter'.
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* L. R0 K. V9 Y4 ?& E- a: O7 @The Micro-Luggage case has an in-built scooter so travellers can ride their case to the gate after dropping up to 20kilos of luggage off at check-in.
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% @( b4 Z: Q( TThe new £250 bag consists of a 26-litre case and a lean-and-steer scooter. It is being marketed at frequent business flyers and people making short commutes to work.+ I1 f2 ~. x7 \0 f* N

7 e0 _8 L8 O/ i. g0 s/ c7 EThe case can be detached from the scooter and wheeled around in the same way as an ordinary suitcase.
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* |) S/ W9 w3 D% H# d4 O7 I- {It is designed by Micro Scooters UK, a Colchester-based company behind, who produced micro scooters which were popular in the early 2000s.
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# s' y+ K9 M8 UA spokesman for the company said: 'Micro Scooters UK has already changed the face of the school run with thousands of families having swapped their gas guzzling 4x4s for the Mini and Maxi Micros.$ I; @3 l& R, o) B) t" Z0 Z

! M( s7 X* c4 T* U7 p'Now the company is set to do the same for commuting with the Micro Luggage scooter.5 d; `$ U: k: |" U* ?
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Carry-on: The case and scooter, pictured together right, can be detached. The £250 product is being marketed at frequent flyers